Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tricky but it might just WORK

Creating a subliminal message that would be catchy and effective for the social issue on poverty would be a tricky task that many individuals might pass on the opportunity to try and create it. We feel that the message would be intend for my mess the message if it is something that is broadcast on television, so the only way to mass produce it for the audience of poverty stricken individuals is to post it on billboards and paper flyers. The message would be as follows.

Two individuals are lying outside in the grass looking up into the night sky. As they are looking out you will be able to identify and understand the words work, written out by the outlining of the stars that are above them.

Even though this is something that many individuals may not catch on it, especially the target population that it is meant to influence, we feel that it is a way to motivate individuals to hopefully help them to get out of the situation that they are in.

Posted by Tristan

Friday, July 25, 2008


In 2006 the poverty rate for minors in the United States wasthe highest in the industrialized world, with 21.9% of allminors and 30% of African American minors living below thepoverty threshold.

Quick Facts

Top ten counties in terms of poverty rate in the UnitedStates Total Percent of Population Living Below Poverty

1. Buffalo County, South Dakota (56.9 percent)
2. Shannon County, South Dakota (52.3 )
3. Starr County, Texas (50.9 percent)
4. Ziebach County, South Dakota (49.9 percent)
5. Todd County, South Dakota (48.3 percent)
6. Owsley County, Kentucky (45.4 percent)
7. Zavala County, Texas (41.8 percent)
8. Holmes County, Mississippi (41.1 percent)
9. Corson County, South Dakota (41 percent)
10. East Carroll Parish, Louisiana (40.5 percent)

Poverty Initiatives

There are many different types of poverty initiatives that are being conducted across all levels of government (Local, State, and Federal). There are various types of reduction programs ranging from educational to shelters to federal funded programs. Listed below are sites that you can visit to see what organizations in your state and city are doing.


  • In 2004, Connecticut became the first state in the nation to enact a law setting an anti-poverty target – to cut child poverty in half by 2014. The target and the subsequent creation of the Child Poverty and Prevention Council have made reducing poverty a priority for policy-makers and business leaders across the political spectrum. The Council reports annually on its progress and is charged with developing an implementation plan, establishing prevention goals and recommendations, and measuring outcomes to promote the health and well-being of children and families.


  • Poverty Initiative members have been involved in the day to day activities of Picture the Homeless (PTH), an advocacy group for and of homeless people based in East Harlem. The Poverty Initiative is sponsoring a work-study student at Picture the Homeless. The Poverty Initiative has been an active partner in the Potter’s Field Campaign. Presently the City of New York disposes of the bodies of indigent and unknown people, one quarter of whom are children, in unmarked, inaccessible and mass graves on Hart’s Island. The Campaign wants to insure a dignified burial (including a worship service) and access to the gravesites. Recently, PTH and interfaith leaders in New York City, including Poverty Initiative members gained access to Potter’s Field where they have been holding bi-monthly memorial services for those buried there.

Technological Contributions

Positive contributions towards poverty
  • As technology increased over the centuries and the unemployment rates increased because machines took the place of millions of workers that were poor and didn’t have any other choice to work in factories because of their education and skills. For example, new technologies increase poverty reduction by meeting the farmers’ needs.
  • New agricultural technologies have created jobs and have become a poverty reduction for many farming areas.
  • Technology has increase education in schools which decrease poor quality education is poor funded inner-city schools that leads to low wage jobs; and result in insufficient money to pay for housing, food, and Medicare. So, the better the education, the better the jobs, the more money for people to support themselves. (Source- poverty vs. tech article).

Negative contributions towards poverty

  • Technology influences or pressure people especially those who that live in poverty to keep up with the modern world. For example, using computers have become basic literacy and will challenge people to have one. Not everyone can afford certain things that become a norm.